Asdasd65165sda's inventory

Hi, Asdasd65165sda is using to keep inventory of his filament, and what he uses. Here you can find some statistics of what is in the inventory of Asdasd65165sda . So, lets show some statistics!

Total printed

Of all 1 items saved in, Asdasd65165sda has printed from those 240 grams. Of the 1 saved there are 0 full and 0 empty.

Rolls? Or samples? Or both

You can not just save rolls, but also samples here on Of the total 1 items, this is the types that are in the inventory:

  • 1 Rolls (And 0 are empty, and 0 are completely full)

Filament flavours

And the same for filament flavours, so let's have a look:

  • PLA: 1 pieces

Filament diameter

While 1.75mm is common now, in the past everyone used 2.85/3mm filament. But does Asdasd65165sda has any of those?

  • 1.75mm: 1 pieces


We already said that Asdasd65165sda has printed in total 240 grams, but we store more information about weight. For example, that there is in total 760 grams (Or 0.76kg) of filament in the inventory.


images say more than words, right? So here are some graphs.