Not sure about your color? Make your color choice together with

Published at July 17, 2021 19:14 by Paul.

Today we have added support for choosing the color of your filament based of swatches from! creates swatches so you know which color a specific filament is. We have now intergrated the API from into our site, and you can choice the specific color your filament is when adding it to your inventory. Currently, this feature is only available for filaments that are added to our libary of filaments. We will be extending this functionality in the upcoming weeks to also being able to add it from custom filaments that aren't in our list of filaments yet.

The swatches will only be displayed if the manufacture matches with the manufacture on We currently do not limit the swatches to filament flavours, so make sure to read the description if there are multiple swatches. We are looking if we want to list some of the swatches on more pages, please let us know if you have any suggestions for this.
Newly added swatches from will be listed daily around midnight. 

Thanks a lot to for providing the API that made this possible!